The Gatehouse Blog

Discover how The Gatehouse empowers single mothers in DFW to build a brighter future. Our blog shares inspiring stories, resources, and insights on overcoming hardships and achieving permanent self-sustainability. Join us on the journey of hope and resilience today.

Employee Engagement: How Involvement with The Gatehouse Benefits Your Team

Employee engagement stands as a crucial element of organizational success. Engaged employees not only exhibit higher productivity but also infuse their work with creativity and enthusiasm. However, achieving true engagement often extends beyond conventional workplace incentives; it involves connecting employees with meaningful and resonant causes. This is where the integration of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and collaborations with non-profits like The Gatehouse become instrumental. The Gatehouse, renowned for its commitment to holistic support and empowerment,

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The Role of Education in Empowerment

The Gatehouse stands as a testament to the transformative power of education. Here, empowerment is not just a concept, but a lived experience. For many, Education is an engine driving change, providing women and children with the tools they need to chart new courses in their lives. This blog delves into the role of education from the different perspectives of The Gatehouse’s broad community: our members, partners, staff, and policy advocates, each of whom plays

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The Power of Hope

In the heart of The Gatehouse, a transformative force resonates, guiding every step we take and every decision we make. This force, this beacon of light, is hope. It’s not just an emotion or a distant dream; it’s the very essence of our mission, driving us to empower every woman and child who seeks our guidance. The Science and Substance of Hope Based on the teachings of Casey Gwinn, author of “The Science of Hope,”

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A Day in the Life

Nestled in the heart of our community, The Gatehouse stands as a place and program for women and their children overcoming hardships to receive a hand up for permanent, positive change. We believe in the power of choice, the dignity of earned success and the indomitable spirit of every woman who walks through our doors. Imagine waking up each day with a renewed sense of purpose, surrounded by a community that believes in your potential,

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