The Gatehouse Program
We give a hand up to goal-oriented women in the DFW Metroplex who are working to overcome hardships by equipping them to create a foundation for permanent self-sustainability. Through our two tracks, women are empowered to remove barriers which keep them from self-sustainability and build lifelong skills as they work to achieve their God-given potential.
I came that you may have life and have it abundantly.
John 10:10

Rediscover Hope
A hope-filled Program based on believing your future can be brighter than your past and you play the major role in making that happen.

Become Equipped
Coaching, counseling, and groups designed to help you develop lifelong skills to manage financial, emotional, spiritual and physical health, and positive parenting skills for those with children.

Experience Dignity
Through goal setting and implementing a plan to achieve financial stability, you can experience the dignity of earned success, increase your confidence and realize you are worth it.

Achieve Stability
With safe, secure on-campus housing and
needs-based resources, such as childcare, you can focus on your career or education goals to create long-term stability.
One Goal, Two Paths
If you have already taken some steps to address barriers in your life and simply need a hand up to be equipped to move forward, explore the two paths to start your journey to self-sustainability.
Stories of Hope
Trying to work, care for my children, and go to school without encouragement or support felt impossible. But because of the Gatehouse I’ve been able to focus on school knowing I can be the mom I want to be, achieve my goals and have hope for my future.
– Gatehouse Education Track Member
The Gatehouse for me has been a place of peace in the worst storm of my life. It literally has been my life’s breath. I now have a solid foundation that I can stand on that is helping me create a new life.
– Gatehouse Career Track Member
Support The Gatehouse Today
Invest to help women and single moms achieve permanent, positive change.