The Gatehouse was created to give women and children a hand up for permanent, positive change.
The Gatehouse Story
With an initial grant from the Rose Family Foundation and support from private donors, foundations, and corporations, The Gatehouse opened debt-free in 2015 as an initiative of projectHandUp, a Christian, 501(c)(3) organization, which Lisa Rose created in response to increasing unemployment, underemployment and other hardships which some women were facing in our community.
The need was obvious for a place and program where women could receive enough time, resources and relationships to create a foundation for permanent self-sustainability.
In order for single women and women with children to overcome temporary hardships, end cycles of underemployment or abuse, we take a holistic approach. Members who participate in The Gatehouse Program are surrounded by a team of experts who empower them with hope, coaching to set goals, and development of a Personal Empowerment Plan for permanent, positive change.
We believe in the dignity of earned success, and therefore, focus on offering our Members a hand up, rather than a handout, based on individual need to meet their goals.
The Gatehouse Program Members graduate with confidence and skills to manage their financial, emotional, spiritual and physical health.
The Gatehouse has always been and, thanks to the ongoing financial support from many private donors, foundations, corporations, and churches, continues to be independently operated and unaffiliated with any church or non-profit organization.
Make a lastingdifference.
There are many ways you can get involved to serve and support Gatehouse families. Learn how you can be a part of permanent change.